Writer of the Week – Holly Bargo Video Interview

Daughter of the Deepwood, by Holly Bargo

Holly Bargo never outgrew a love of fairy tales, legends, and myths. Or horses. However, one foot must remain firmly planted in the real world which is where Holly makes her living and lives with her husband, children, and menagerie–which, yes, includes horses. And llamas, alpacas, a rabbit, cats, and one very big, fluffy, white dog. (If you read Tiger in the Snow, you’ll learn that, yes, rabbits really can spit. Who would have thought that?)

Sometime in between the day job as a freelance writer and editor, the night job of wife, mom, Dr. Doolittle wannabe, and 4-H club leader, Holly finds time to transfer the voices in her head to paper … er … computer. If she doesn’t, there’s a definite possibility her mind will explode.

And for those who might wonder from where the pseudonym of Holly Bargo came, it’s quite simple really. Horses. Namely an elegant and temperamental Appaloosa mare who has long since crossed the Rainbow Bridge and is fondly remembered for guarding toddler children and crushing a brand new pager.

Daughter of the Deepwood is book 2 in the Twin Moons Saga:

Lifetime imprisonment for an immortal doesn’t bear consideration. As cold iron burns his skin and dampens his magic, fae captain Falco wrenches power and freedom from the broken body of another prisoner—a witchbreed female—tossed into his cell to make room for a new harvest of criminals. Honor and obligation mandate that he not abandon her.

Unable to heal her extensive injuries, he takes the dying witchbreed to the heart of the Great Forest where the most ancient magic lives. His plea granted, the woman is remade of a blend of his blood, her flesh, and deep magic. Bound by his debt, Falco takes Calista as his mate when he returns home to Froúrio Daimónafae, a sentient fortress-city carved from a mountain. Although he regrets his intended fae mate’s anger, his increasing affection and desire for his witchbreed mate surprise him. Lost in a foreign culture, spurned by the fae, her body unfamiliar to her, and unable to believe in Falco’s professed affections, Calista makes her own destiny and realizes the fate of an unfriendly nation rests upon her shoulders.

Learn more about Holly’s and her books on her website Hen House Publishing

Daughter of the Deepwood can be bought on:

